Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Nice Things To Say In An Edgadement Card

It is particularly difficult to accept to be different and to live an unfair situation.

Orphan, suffering from a serious illness, from a needy family ...

all deserve attention, they all need affection and have the right to live the good times ..

And it is for us to help them, make them learn to love and be loved and to feel good surrounded

to us to renew their hope and degenerate them that dreams can come true and become a reality

Although we can not remedy all the social, psychological and economic impacts of these little children, we can with our commitment to give them joy and happiness if only for a few hours

So why not not invest for the noblest cause, the cause that we had at heart

You do not need skills or experience

your energy, your enthusiasm and commitment are far more Important

We are pleased to be here with us

Imène Trimech

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Early Osteophyte Formation

Ramadan Dinner at the Hospital

Band Orange has yet met the good cause.
For the second consecutive year she hosted a Ramadan dinner in the hospital the day of the Institute Salah Azaiez.Comme always dishes were prepared by the care of volunteers.
On Friday, September 19, 2008 has seen the hospital become a festival of thanks to the song using Fékih Salma, her angelic voice, her guitar and three singers who accompanied Oranges .

Skander M'zah