Friday, January 29, 2010

Guys Getting Waxed By Other Guys

sautéed winter vegetables

Basic Recipe: Blanch the cabbage and then slice. Fry two onions gently, then bacon, then together the cabbage, carrots and potatoes.
Cook everything very gently with a lid so that the vegetables do not lose their vitamins and cook them in water.
The pan is very full ... it appropriate for two meals for 4 people.
I still have a bit of blanched cabbage and I only used half the carrots and potatoes in the basket on Thursday.

Zeb Atlas Mark Dalton Or Zeb Atlas??

the big basket of Thursday, January 28, 2010

Here is a sample basket of winter leeks, cabbage, carrots, potatoes, Jerusalem artichokes, black radish and two cucurbit whose name I know not !

To me, these vegetables will turn into fried cabbage - carrots - potatoes with bacon, artichoke gratin in the county ... and finally surely leek soup - potatoes - cucurbits. With us, black radishes are finely chopped Popular on buttered toast.

We are a family of 4 and I think all these dishes, supplemented by some vegetables and other dry pasta, allow us to eat for a week.
So if you fancy an adventure ... there are still baskets for sale every week!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Transformer Sdhc En Sd

MIRAMAP: Inter-regional movement of AMAP

"The first national meeting of AMAP (Associations for the Maintenance of Peasant Agriculture) took place on 5 and 6 December 2009 in the family home and Rural Anneyron (Drôme). It was attended by hundred and twenty participants: producers and consum in AMAP from seventeen of the twenty-two regions of metropolitan France, but also politicians, researchers and partner organizations, all of whom had prepared for several months this event you founder.

Actors AMAP began two days of collective work by reflecting on four crosscutting themes:

- Guaranteed ethics AMAP;
- Installation, land cover and agricultural
- Accessibility for all of AMAP;
- Life and diversity of AMAP.

Organized in workshops, these exchanges have helped to reveal the richness and diversity of contributions of AMAP, and the need for sharing experiences, practices and tools developed by CSA and their territorial networks, making the finding of a real disparity in development of a region to another. "(Quote from the website of MIRAMAP)

I invite you to visit the website MIRAMAP.
A working group wrote a report on accessibility AMAP for all. Following our AGM last week, I thought it would bring water to the mill ...

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Printied Volleyball Shorts

From Guadeloupe we install, I finally realized two ideas that kept me at heart if not installed Overseas: planting a tree can make a traveler and to noise.

In fact, I had to smudge the can during a stay of three months Papaïchton in Guyana.
A day and a half boat from Saint Laurent de Maroni, occupations were not many in this small village in the heart of the rainforest, but I could eat really well (armadillo, alligator, snake, pig wood. ..............)
The smoked chicken was so good that I had promised to build a container to smudge as soon as possible to make myself these delicious recipes.
My internet research led me to the site Chez Elise, who is one of the few to explain the manufacture of a can to noise.

First step, find a canister.
I thank Nico, who got me a nice bottle of oil in excellent condition.
I put a small picture, even if it is not my bottle, but to show you the starting point of my drum to bang.

To begin, I cut the top of the can to the grinder to make a lid.
After cutting, it is very wise to trim the cutting portions, at the risk of injury when handling the lid.
Then I set a stainless steel handle on the lid, it allows you to enter more easily.

Now to the point where the grid will take place, about 25 centimeters from the top of the can.
I've found a small diagram on the internet that will help you understand.

To begin, we must drill two holes on either side of the can, to pass a metal rod. Do the same for the second metal rod.
Here, the two rods are in place, I did not even bother to weld and I have met no worries.
Now it only remains to find a grid.
I started by using a small rectangular grid but at a return to France, I found a circular grid with dimensions almost perfect.

Turning finally to the opening created to power the home.
On my canteen, I made an opening of 45 by 30 centimeters and I think it's good enough.
And now, the can is almost ready for use.

One last precaution is to make a big fire in your container before first use because it must be remembered that it contained hydrocarbons. The smoked chicken
oil drain, it makes him much less.

That there is more to give you the recipe for smoked chicken.

Boucan chicken and its sauce dog (for 08 persons)

First, prepare the marinade, in which the chicken will take its full flavor.
For this, mix 3 onions, 5 cloves garlic 10 sprigs of spring onions, 1 pepper, parsley, thyme, juice of 04 lemons, oil, spices, 4, a glass of rum, salt, pepper.
The ideal is to prepare the marinade the night before and marinate the chicken until cooked.

Light the fire and let burn until coals beautiful.
The chicken will cook using the heat of the smoke, and not with the flames that emerge from the inferno.
course, the cooking time is increased tenfold since the heat at the top of the can is not very high. The principle is to smoke the fish very slowly.
it is indeed obviously a smoking cooked, unlike smoking a thought like smoked salmon, which uses a different technique.

Once the coals are red, he will now have to make smoke.
To do this, we use the cane, which grows very well here.
I put a small picture, for those who do not know what it looks like pasx, this cane that I grow in my garden.

For now, I'm just 3 or 4 feet cane sugar.

debit cane into small pieces, easier to use in opening the can.
You will notice two utensils to any good smoked chicken: barbecue tongs and a bottle of water with sports cap.
The clip can return the chicken quite often, to avoid the charring.
bottle of water avoids the appearance of any flames.

I forgot to tell you that cooking chicken smoked requests close surveillance at all times.
Small sections of cane sugar used to make fire and smoke also have the advantage of giving a hint of caramel flavor to chicken.
In mainland France, if vouis have no cane sugar, you can use the bread moist, here putting out the flames and smoke that fire here.
Normally, your container should then look like this, with the lid set.

To prevent the chicken dries out, I usually pour the marinade as and when cooking.
I read recently that it was not advisable because germs could develop during the time the chicken navy, but I always did like that and I've never been sick.
After a few minutes, your chicken should look like this

In When cooked, smoked chicken you will have a delicious smoky flavor and a beautiful golden color.

You just have to prepare a dog sauce, and voila.

The photo, found on the website guilty pleasures gives really want.

sauce dog

Ingredients - 1 hot pepper
- 2 shallots
- 1 lemon
- 2 cloves garlic
- 1 onion
- 3 spring onions or chives
- 15 cl
oil - 1 teaspoon vinegar
- 2
tablespoon hot water - a little parsley
- Salt, pepper

Chop the shallots, chives, parsley, garlic and pepper and place it in a bowl. Add lemon juice, vinegar, oil and hot water. Stir to emulsify everything. Cover and place in the refrigerator until service.

And here, good appetite

Do not ask me why the sauce dog's name so I am unable to answer.
There is a more popular which is that the cooks used a knife mark DOG for their preparations and that the name is derived from it, but nobody can confirm it.
If you have other ideas, I'm interested.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Best Anime Love Making

bling pagodas in Phnom Penh

Race finest temples, monks sometimes not attached to Buddhist principles ... These religious institutions abandoned
Gradually their missions home and support to the poorest.

Peacefully located on a mat with her five young children, Pitch Thoeun lives for eight months in a house of wood and corrugated iron in the pagoda Samaki Raingsey, commonly known as Kampuchea Krom pagoda, on the outskirts of Phnom Penh.
Raised by monks, the walls take the place of refuge for seven families who were all forced to leave their homes for social or economic reasons.
"I fled my husband who beat me every day, Pitch Thoeun mumbles, from a village in Kandal province. Look at this gash on the head of my son [a large dark scar across the scalp, ed] is the result of both an ax he was dealt. "
Upon his arrival at Phnom Penh, without jobs or relatives for support, it is resolved first to sleep in the streets before seeking assistance monks, on the advice of its neighbors. Yoeun Sin, the venerable (chief monks) agrees immediately to the lodge. In addition to receiving the food and shelter, her children attend a teacher once a week in a classroom arranged in the dining room. For

Yoeun Sin, the pagoda is invested with a social mission.
"The monks can not close their eyes when face destitution. Otherwise, what then is the pagoda? "He asks. This policy of welcome and support is a priority for him.
Still, the side of refugees, this pagoda is an exception. "The poor are not welcome in other pagodas in Phnom Penh, Pitch Thoeun storm. We dare not even cross the threshold! "

In other words, the Khmer pagodas have, over the years, abandoned their social role.

An "average budget" of $ 70 000, a charge that rejects
Sim Sor Yun, the venerable pagoda Saravann Phnom Penh, which has 265
monks and 300 students. Although he admits "prohibit the poor to stay here, to avoid chaos sets in, particularly because of the children." No place is also home for this purpose.
Apart from a trunk for the Red Cross, the Venerable has initiated any action for the needy.
same for Wat Langka pagoda, near the site of the monument of Independence. According Sariddh Hour, a monk of 38 years, "the poor are usually asked to go to NGOs, with whom some monks are close. "
Yet in the past two pagodas, no shortage of funds. Sor Yun Sim and have raised over 70,000 dollars in donations last year. An "average budget" for a "pagoda average," smiled the venerable, which states that "the largest pagodas can collect more than 200,000 dollars in donations annually.

Besides small private donations from wealthy businessmen and government figures regularly offer large sums to the temples they sponsor. For
Pagoda Saravann the names of these donors are on the outside wall of the remains of the venerable. And significant CPP, the party of Prime Minister Hun Sen, there are prominent.
Thus, Sok An, Deputy Prime Minister and Kep Chuktéma, Governor of Phnom Penh, "recently signed checks of 15 000 and 5000 dollars.

Far from being used for charitable or educational projects, these funds are fully intended to "modernize" the premises, as explained Yun Sim Sor.
"Right now, we build four new cells to replace old, wooden," he announces proudly.
Like its counterparts throughout the country, the venerable embarked on a race to the most beautiful pagoda. "We must demonstrate to donors that their money is well spent," says he, seeing in these buildings the way of attracting new followers. His next project? "The renovation of the wall, as ours, which cost only $ 300 three meters, is getting old. The wall I want to build cost 1500 dollars three meters, like the pagoda of Wat Langka, "he says. For the competitor
downtown is no exception. Not long ago, work began to replace old cells with modern buildings. Fifteen workers, supported in their task by a backhoe, are working on this site. New buildings should be completed in a few months. "This brouhaha will never stop, complains a student. Once this project is completed, a new start. That's why I prefer to study at the library, quiet. "
From Sim Sor Yun Pagoda fulfills its social role as these buildings benefit monks and students, mostly from poor provincial families.

As for practitioners, this way of using Donations are not offensive. Instead, Kim Huoy, a housewife of 56 years, is delighted that "there are more and more beautiful temples, beautiful fences and cells. "A beautiful pagoda pagoda is a powerful, she says. And if a pagoda is powerful, people give. "

" Materialism "If
is careful not to criticize the policy of public works, Yoeun Sin, the venerable pagoda of the Khmer Krom, however, sees" a growing influence of materialism. " "I would prefer that the competition focuses on Buddhist principles," he adds.
In fact, in many cases, faith is not the primary motivation in making pants. Holds a double master in management and finance, Sariddh Hour, a monk of the pagoda of Wat Langka, sees his religious commitment as a springboard. "I'm from a very poor farming family. I first chose to become a monk to study, be able to go to university, "he says in perfect English. "I will not be a monk my whole life. Thereafter, I plan to work in private. But this is the case for the majority of the 220 monks at Wat Langka ... "he continues. In his
cod (his bedroom) throne full panoply of the perfect university: a library full of books finance, laptop, hi-fi. On the walls, the Buddhist principles coexist with economic conventions. "The government plans, private investments and provide citizens and labor supply," can you read. "It's just theory. There is no inconsistency between my studies and the fact that I am a monk, "says he.

Network and piston
Hour Sariddh proves yet evasive when talking about how he came to the pagoda. Just admit it to have benefited of "contacts" with some monks. Yet, according to several students, are from a poor family is not enough. By Veasna for an agricultural student 28 years residing at Wat Saravann, places are expensive and there is no salvation without a network or piston. "Many of my friends would be in my place," he smiled. Like many, I got my place here because my family knew my cell leader, originally from Kampong Cham, like me. "At the pagoda
Saravann, a 20 year old student, who wishes to remain anonymous out of joint by referring to the vocation of monks. "I lived here for four years. It anarchy, they do not behave like real monks. Some talk on the phone with girls until midnight, others play music until no time, he gets carried away.
Peter Way and Ung Chansophea
Copyright Hedbo Cambodge Soir, subscribe

rating blogger: This article denouncing the pagodas bling Capital ignores the miserable life of the monks who reside in the province.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Triple Pelvic Osteotomymaryland

Schmitthaeusler Olivier, the bishop of a "proposal free"

"In Svay Pak, the word of God hangs over the brothels."
In 1999, he celebrated Mass at Svay Pak, in the district brothels on the outskirts of the capital.
initiator of a training program for farm-scale Takeo, this Alsatian priest of 39 years will be ordained bishop of Phnom Penh
next March. While forbidding proselytism, he wants to leave the door open to sincere conversion.

At the wheel of his Honda CRV, Olivier Schmitthaeusler brakes suddenly to avoid a dog lying beside the road. "My car was so much dust you can not see even more," he smiles. Every week, he commutes between Phnom Penh and Takeo. And his parish Chomkartieng, is fifteen miles of track and Angtasom Institute St. Paul, large modern building opened last October to accommodate 120 students in agriculture and 80 computers. "On Christmas Day, the Prime Minister
signed the sub-decree recognizing the Institute, says the father Oliver. Meanwhile, Pope Benedict 16 announced my appointment as bishop. "So in a few months, his car broken to ride Phnom Penh-Takeo will roam throughout the vicariate is to say seven provinces plus the city of Phnom Penh. Behind the windshield, he will keep his password "VIP", obtained for him by the family of a of his parishioners. But he will abandon his garden, his little house with a solar panel and quiet of his rural parish to take up residence at the palace in Phnom Penh.

At 39, Olivier Schmitthaeusler will become, March 20, the third-youngest bishop in the world. Born in Strasbourg, the eldest in a family of four, he entered the seminary upon obtaining his degree. In 1991, he made his cooperation in Osaka, Japan. In 1998, just ordained, he is sent to Cambodia. After a year of learning, it is able to celebrate Mass in Khmer, it is particularly in Svay Pak (or "kilometer 11"), a district on the outskirts of Phnom Penh at the time known for its brothels. At first, when he arrived at the church on his motorcycle, took the girls for a client.
He said Mass at the microphone, the voice to reach outside the church by loudspeaker.
In this period, Father Olivier has not kept much, except that the Catholic community there was "very dynamic". Her attention was quickly brought to the parish of Chomkartieng in Takeo province. "At first there was only one named. remembers there. He had a cousin seminarian, and one day he sold a cow to buy a motorbike to go every Sunday, listen to the catechism in Phnom Penh.Il was six hours away for that ... "
Aujourd ' Today, the Catholic community of the village of 97 people.

Olivier Schmitthaeusler denies doing baptisms for the channel: "There is a long way before the conversion: the villagers participate initially for three years in parish activities, then follow the catechism for two years ... "
Proselytizing? The priest does not like that word. "This is a negative concept ... But I am not ashamed to proclaim the gospel. In high school, we offer meals to students, and there is a prayer before. They pray for whomever they want ... At the Institute, the chapel is a building apart, visible without being aggressive. At Christmas, we explain the meaning of the festival we organize. The proposal is made, but people feel free. "This Friday, when he celebrated Mass before about thirty students of the Institute, Olivier Schmitthaeusler shall, before preparing the hosts, how many people want to communicate. Only about twenty of them raise their hands. "Among those attending the Mass, there are some who are not Catholic, they come simply to see ..." he notes.

This facility, which can accommodate up to 600 students, is intended to diversify the courses offered. The Royal School of Agriculture issues already graduating students from the school sector in St. Paul. The Institute's library is among the six largest in the country by area, and students can put their knowledge into practice on a field of 70 hectares near Kep, which are cultivated for rice, maize, fruit trees and sweet potatoes. The major work has been funded with the help of a donor Singapore, met during a tour to raise funds.

A baby named Oliver
At Chomkartieng, the strong personality of the priest can explain the rapid development of the community. A young Christian the
greet her baby in her arms. She called Olivier, as he did. Behind the stairs, he placarded the institutional values :
"responsibility, honesty, solidarity. In the headmaster's office, the portraits of King Norodom Sihamoni rub a large painting of St. Francis.
A little later, the students play soccer, each wearing a jersey of the France team. Behind stands a CheyDei, large yellow and red
stupa surrounded by bamboo and topped with a cross.
"That's where I'll be buried," says Olivier Schmitthaeusler.
For now, it only contains the ashes of one person, the first Christian of the parish to be dead.

relations with Buddhists are good, he says:
"We regularly visit during ceremonies ... We have more contact with them than with the evangelists. The dialogue between religions, however, remained "a dialogue of life", informal, and is rarely on matters of faith. "At Christmas, we went with Buddhists in Kampot prison to visit prisoners ... It also allows local religious leaders to meet," he says.
Between March and August, Olivier Schmitthaeusler Bishop will co-adjuteur Bishop Émile Destombes. This
will turn 75 in August and asked to retire. Bishop Olivier will then work to strengthen interfaith dialogue. "Non-Christians rarely make the difference between Catholics and others," he notes. And what they call the "religion of Jesus" is generally frowned upon. It is often viewed as the religion of foreigners, or as a belief that does not respect the ancestors. "Other
reputation that" glue "to Catholicism: that of being the religion of the Vietnamese. To avoid stigma, they are urged by the Church to teach the Khmer language and integrate. When Epiphany, the future bishop moreover expressed the hope that the Church "continues to be a sign of communion, especially between Cambodian and Vietnamese communities."
in Cambodia's history, Christians have often been targeted because they represented the "enemy" Vietnamese. At that point the reasons for the persecution against them under the Democratic Kampuchea remain a subject of debate.
"Christians have suffered as Christians under the Khmer Rouge, and also during the Vietnam period, nevertheless considers Olivier Schmitthaeusler. But in the current trial, they are struggling to find their place, particularly because it is very political. The future bishop
also considering organizing a seminar on memory: "If we do not do that now, thirty years, there will be nothing left."
Adrien Le Gal
Copyright Hedbo Cambodge Soir, subscribe

Thursday, January 14, 2010

How Long Do Panasonic Batteries Last

An interview with schoolchildren Sre Ambel of

To enable young French people to understand the everyday life of young Cambodians, we spoke with 6 kids "our" school of Sre Ambel.

All class 5 (corresponding to CM2 French but there is also a sixth class in primary school)

Betting girl 14 years Phi boy 15 years

Chhuk girl 16 years Phek boy, 13 years

Choeun girl 13 years Chun boy, 15 years

Age is indicative because in some families are beginning to count the design. We can also start from 1, the day of birth (0 years old but he is in its first year). Lots of people do not know their date of birth.


When leave hours you wake up?


What time do you leave home?


At what time school starts?


At what time will you at home?

10:30 to 11:00

What do you enjoy most at school?


What material do you prefer?

The Khmer

How do you go to school?

Walk. (30 minutes for 2 or 3 km .)

Do you have books?

Yes, 4

Do you have books?

Yes, 4

What kind of house do you have?

wooden stilts.

How many people live in the home?
8 / 6 / 5 / 6 / 8 / 4

Do you play?
Yes, girls bungee (elastic consisting of hundreds of small rubber bands).

Where do you sleep?

On a mat all in the same room. Under a mosquito net.

What do you eat?

Rice with fish, chicken, spices .

Who made to eat?


What time do you eat?

Before you go to school at noon and at 17:00

When not at school, what do you do?
Assist family

you know Phnom Penh? (The Capital of Cambodia)

5 no, 1 yes.

NB: they know that it is the capital, but have never been there except 1, Phnom Penh is about 100km from home.

Do you know of other towns in your province?


Are you already gone to the seaside? (qq km distant but otherwise inaccessible by boat) Not

Where are you now when you walk?

View of the family in the neighborhood we stay in the district of Sre Ambel.

What job do you want do in the future?

employee - worker in the large sugar refinery located in the village.

Would you get married?

All : yes

How many children do you want?

Girls: 2 / male: 3, 4, 2

NB: there is no so long ago, families were 5 to 8 children, as shown in the previous question.

Where do you live your adult life?

ALL : Here in the village.

Our comments on those answers surprisingly quiet:

It must be pointed out that there is still no electricity in the village. The poles are ready for a long time but there is still no call. And the night falls early. The village children have neither television (a device sometimes works an hour or two with some sort of generator made from an engine must still have money to buy the fuel needed ... ) or computer course, or anything that could show them a different world than their own. One family had a radio when we went there, but only received a wavelength, and again, it takes money to buy batteries.

Several things struck us:

- These children seem perfectly happy. Somehow does not have put away for many disappointments! These children are not going to make a crisis nerves if the PS2 is down ...

- The other thing that struck me is that they know nothing when compared to a child with TV, Internet and 6 hours of class per day ...

... hence they can not have dreams like "become a revered actress, a gold medal in swimming," because it is a life they do not even imagine. Even become a firefighter, has no meaning for them. I tried to offer them, "police officer, soldier ,..." things they know.

- It seems that the life they imagine, it is the same as that of their parents!

And yet ... not .

Their parents fought to operate a hectare of rice and feed 6 children.

them, what they want is to become workers (you should know that when the plant operates, it is closer to 60 hours as 35).

They naively believe that the factory will bring them (We know very well that it is false and that a boss will have no qualms about closing the plant if it suits).

What they want is security, it DOES NOT AFRAID tomorrow.

Their desire to have an employment and only two children, easier to feed than 6, is proof.

And when the Cambodians can not be afraid to fall sick that day, they will be happy. Despite their life "simple".

Sunday, January 3, 2010

How Long Does Herpes Virus Survive

Happy New Year 2010!

AMAP Association of Mantois wish you a very happy 2010!

We meet for the first basket of the year, Thursday, Jan. 7, from 19h to 20h at Colombier Magnanville.

Remaining baskets free ... Come join us!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Clever Thing To Write In A Guest Book

smoked chicken excellent year 2010.

The Gwadafamily wish you a happy new year 2010.
With live camera, our blog has reached an international dimension as 15,921 people from 92 different countries have followed our adventures.

We also receive many contacts from people who want settle in Guadeloupe and want to get some information before you leap.
Already two and a half years that we are here and the view from our window always amazes us all. But
Guadeloupe, is also a multitude of fabulous scenery, then I offer you a few to give you the urge to visit us.